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The ideal house

(1 edit)

66 New record


praise mountains tbh


Still a lovely game

Trees are OP

this is one the daily challange


I love this game so much, but i have a question: have you tried to create the board game (probably PnP version) from it?


Hmmm, this seems like a bug...No way to end the game...

There either needs to be a check for this at the end or a way to exit without a third island.


You can draw islands "inside" islands creating "lakes", it's not universal solution, but you coud draw two of them - one on the top island, near the church and mountain, and one on the bottom island, between mountain and house.

But you certainly drawn yourself a pickle, nice job

(1 edit)

Hi, I am very interested in this game and I want to show it in a game showcase I am going to curate on Jan 5th at Wonderville NYC! The show is named "Elemental Chaos" and I would like to take a lot of photos and send them to you after!

Please let me know if you would be comfortable showing your game. Thank you very much.

Sorry for the slow response. Sure you can show it at your event. 

(1 edit) (+1)

nice game!! my highest score is 64 so far :)
edit: got 69, nice

49 first try

(2 edits)

clocking in my high scores here: 

11/10/23 - 59

11/23/23 - 60 !!

11/24/23 - 64 !!!

Cute, fun and easy to get the hang of it. Love this game!


editing this every time I come back here! :)

Day 1 (18/9/23): 52


SImple and addictive! Got a 68 after a few tries. Please consider expanding this somehow, I think it has a lot of potential!

This game is super cute and fun! The rules feel like a lot to absorb at first, but after I absorbed them it was super easy to just keep doing one game after another.

Got 50 this time!

Love this game!
Finally broke 61 pts.


Make this game downloadable.


Love this game!

Love this game, though I think there's a bug. It's hard for me to draw something or draw a line on the top right corner, especially on the 2nd box from the top.


Finally broke 60.


This is really fun once you get the hang of it! 
its very calming to play, and a very clean design

43 first try

yes it is played, yes it is awesome, yes it is relaxing

thank you



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